Courses offered
India Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)
Course brochure
The India Epidemic Intelligence Service Program (EIS), a Government of India initiative, is modeled on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). India EIS Program is a joint venture between India and the USA, is aimed at preparing public health professionals in India for leadership positions at the district, state, and national levels. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, International Health Division, Government of India, vide OM No: GHSA/WFD/1/2016-GHSA Project Cell/IH dated 26th December 2016, has decided to create the South hub of India EIS at ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology in collaboration with the CDC.
The Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was founded in 1951. The program aims to provide epidemiologic services and develop a cadre of experienced epidemiologists for INDIA EIS-ICMR-NIE 2 that country. This two-year program for public health professionals focuses on hands-on training in epidemiologic service to investigate outbreaks; design, conduct, and analyze epidemiological studies; analyze surveillance data and evaluate the systems; communicate their finding in various forums and engage in other activities that prepare them for careers as practicing field epidemiologists. Many EIS officers have become leaders at CDC (including the previous CDC Director), WHO, Schools of public health, and other agencies and institutions.
1. Employees of the State Health Service working for at least three years in an NCD or related program/public health activities when being nominated by the department (or)
2. Employees of UN health agencies for India or any registered Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working in the field of NCD for at least three years (or)
3. If there is no suitable candidate in the State/District NCD cell, the Employer/Nominator may identify a suitable candidate for this program by assuring that the candidate will be placed in the NCD cell for the duration of training (2 years)
It is a part-time in-service program with a minimum duration of two years. If candidates are unable to complete the required Core Activities of Learning (CALs), the course duration may be extended by a maximum of one more year.
A certificate of completion, jointly signed by ICMR-NIE, India; and CDC, will be awarded to the Officer at the end of two years on completing all Core Activities of Learning (CALs).
The last date for receipt of nominations at ICMR-NIE is 10th May 2021. The nomination letter should indicate the state's willingness to permit the employee to enroll in the two-year part-time program if selected. The candidates will continue to do their duties in the parent department with full salary during the training period. The nominated candidates may submit their applications online from the Institute’s Website:
During the course, officers will conduct the following activities and become proficient at
Through preliminary screening, candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be shortlisted by a Screening Committee. The Screening Committee will consider the candidate’s application, transcripts, and other documents submitted with the application. The candidates recommended by the Screening Committee will be interviewed and selected. Desirable qualities include:
FETP Noncommunicable Diseases Fellowship
Course brochure
Intermediate - FETP Noncommunicable Diseases Fellowship
Course brochure